Happy New Year 2021

2021 is finally here - but what will it entail for PlayerData?

Happy New Year!

2021 has arrived and, quite like everyone else, we’re looking forward to the year ahead. These first few months we’ll be focusing on getting EDGE out to the final pre-order clubs, including some further afield. We will then be able to ramp up orders and move away from made to order having finalised our new manufacturing process. 

With clubs from outside of Scotland starting to show interest we hope to expand our reach and maximise the number of clubs we welcome into our PlayerData Community. 

The new year also means new features and will see the release of EDGE Pro - the next tier of our subscription service. EDGE Pro will include the much anticipated live data feature, as well as heart rate monitoring functionality. To thank our current customers for their support during these difficult times we will be upgrading them all free of charge(!) when this service becomes available. For all new customers, they will have the option of EDGE or EDGE Pro with upgrades available any time during a contract.

As always, we will be constantly updating and adding features to our service based on your feedback, ensuring you are always getting the very best of EDGE. 

All going well, and events being allowed to come back, we plan to start attending conferences and events to expand our reach, as well as start looking at events closer to home where we can bring together our community with data days and catering to events out in the community. Not only that, we hope to be able to attend the Homeless World Cup again if it is able to go ahead.

Finally, our biggest hope for this year is seeing the steady return of football across all levels, as well as a return of fans. These things will only be able to happen if we all do our best to follow the guidance and get vaccinated when possible and hopefully in the not too distant future we’ll be seeing a united return to what we all love and miss. 

For our family to yours - Happy New Year, let’s make this one great. 



The PlayerData app enables coaches, players, and any other critical staff to access performance data immediately from anywhere.

Happy New Year 2021

January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!

2021 has arrived and, quite like everyone else, we’re looking forward to the year ahead. These first few months we’ll be focusing on getting EDGE out to the final pre-order clubs, including some further afield. We will then be able to ramp up orders and move away from made to order having finalised our new manufacturing process. 

With clubs from outside of Scotland starting to show interest we hope to expand our reach and maximise the number of clubs we welcome into our PlayerData Community. 

The new year also means new features and will see the release of EDGE Pro - the next tier of our subscription service. EDGE Pro will include the much anticipated live data feature, as well as heart rate monitoring functionality. To thank our current customers for their support during these difficult times we will be upgrading them all free of charge(!) when this service becomes available. For all new customers, they will have the option of EDGE or EDGE Pro with upgrades available any time during a contract.

As always, we will be constantly updating and adding features to our service based on your feedback, ensuring you are always getting the very best of EDGE. 

All going well, and events being allowed to come back, we plan to start attending conferences and events to expand our reach, as well as start looking at events closer to home where we can bring together our community with data days and catering to events out in the community. Not only that, we hope to be able to attend the Homeless World Cup again if it is able to go ahead.

Finally, our biggest hope for this year is seeing the steady return of football across all levels, as well as a return of fans. These things will only be able to happen if we all do our best to follow the guidance and get vaccinated when possible and hopefully in the not too distant future we’ll be seeing a united return to what we all love and miss. 

For our family to yours - Happy New Year, let’s make this one great.