Atlanta United Case Study

Explore how Atlanta United tackled the challenge of finding an efficient GPS solution that was easy to use, cost-effective, and provided accurate data for informed decision-making.


In the highly competitive world of professional sports, every decision matters. For Atlanta United, the challenge was multifaceted: finding a GPS solution that not only met their technical requirements but also aligned with their broader organizational goals. They needed a solution that ticked several critical boxes: ease of use, resource efficiency (both in terms of time and money), and the ability to provide accurate data for making informed decisions. With multiple teams under their umbrella, ranging from youth to senior squads, the challenge was further compounded by the need for scalability and consistency across all levels.

The team's quest for the right solution was not just about finding the most advanced technology; it was about finding a solution that would seamlessly integrate into their existing operations and enhance their ability to drive performance and results.


Among the diverse options currently available on the market, PlayerData emerged as the clear solution to Atlanta United's challenges. Renowned for its top-notch GPS tracking capabilities, PlayerData offered a compelling proposition: advanced technology at a significantly lower cost compared to competitors. However, it wasn't just about cost savings; PlayerData's solution delivered simplicity in usability, streamlined resource optimization, and FIFA-approved data collection protocols. These attributes perfectly aligned with the needs of Atlanta United, offering a comprehensive solution that addressed their multifaceted requirements.

PlayerData's platform not only met the immediate needs of Atlanta United but also offered scalability and flexibility for future growth. The platform's intuitive interface and seamless integration ensured a smooth transition for all teams within the organization. From youth development squads to the senior team, PlayerData provided a unified solution that empowered coaches and staff at every level to make data-driven decisions with confidence.


The implementation of PlayerData's GPS tracking solution brought about a paradigm shift in Atlanta United's operations, yielding impressive results across various dimensions:

  • Expanded Utilization: Atlanta United expanded from three teams utilizing GPS to incorporating all six teams within the organization, all at the same cost. This scalability allowed for consistent monitoring and benchmarking across different levels, ensuring alignment and synergy throughout the organization.
  • Enhanced Tracking Capabilities: With PlayerData's solution in place, Atlanta United gained the ability to properly track lower-level teams and benchmark their performance against the senior squads. This comprehensive tracking facilitated a holistic approach to player development and performance optimization.
  • Significant Time Savings: The adoption of PlayerData's solution resulted in an 85% reduction in the time spent on reporting, plummeting from five hours to under 45 minutes. This drastic reduction in administrative overhead freed up valuable time and resources, allowing staff to focus on more strategic initiatives.
  • Real-Time Adjustments: PlayerData's live data capabilities enabled synchronization on the practice field, empowering coaches to make immediate adjustments to athletes' load during training sessions. This real-time feedback loop not only optimized performance but also minimized the risk of injuries, ensuring the well-being of the players.

This transformational journey not only streamlined operations but also empowered decision-makers with accurate, real-time data. Atlanta United's success story underscores the effectiveness of PlayerData's GPS solution in meeting the complex challenges faced by professional sports organizations, setting a new standard for excellence in athlete monitoring and performance optimization.



The PlayerData app enables coaches, players, and any other critical staff to access performance data immediately from anywhere.

Atlanta United Case Study

May 30, 2024
Atlanta United Case Study


In the highly competitive world of professional sports, every decision matters. For Atlanta United, the challenge was multifaceted: finding a GPS solution that not only met their technical requirements but also aligned with their broader organizational goals. They needed a solution that ticked several critical boxes: ease of use, resource efficiency (both in terms of time and money), and the ability to provide accurate data for making informed decisions. With multiple teams under their umbrella, ranging from youth to senior squads, the challenge was further compounded by the need for scalability and consistency across all levels.

The team's quest for the right solution was not just about finding the most advanced technology; it was about finding a solution that would seamlessly integrate into their existing operations and enhance their ability to drive performance and results.


Among the diverse options currently available on the market, PlayerData emerged as the clear solution to Atlanta United's challenges. Renowned for its top-notch GPS tracking capabilities, PlayerData offered a compelling proposition: advanced technology at a significantly lower cost compared to competitors. However, it wasn't just about cost savings; PlayerData's solution delivered simplicity in usability, streamlined resource optimization, and FIFA-approved data collection protocols. These attributes perfectly aligned with the needs of Atlanta United, offering a comprehensive solution that addressed their multifaceted requirements.

PlayerData's platform not only met the immediate needs of Atlanta United but also offered scalability and flexibility for future growth. The platform's intuitive interface and seamless integration ensured a smooth transition for all teams within the organization. From youth development squads to the senior team, PlayerData provided a unified solution that empowered coaches and staff at every level to make data-driven decisions with confidence.


The implementation of PlayerData's GPS tracking solution brought about a paradigm shift in Atlanta United's operations, yielding impressive results across various dimensions:

  • Expanded Utilization: Atlanta United expanded from three teams utilizing GPS to incorporating all six teams within the organization, all at the same cost. This scalability allowed for consistent monitoring and benchmarking across different levels, ensuring alignment and synergy throughout the organization.
  • Enhanced Tracking Capabilities: With PlayerData's solution in place, Atlanta United gained the ability to properly track lower-level teams and benchmark their performance against the senior squads. This comprehensive tracking facilitated a holistic approach to player development and performance optimization.
  • Significant Time Savings: The adoption of PlayerData's solution resulted in an 85% reduction in the time spent on reporting, plummeting from five hours to under 45 minutes. This drastic reduction in administrative overhead freed up valuable time and resources, allowing staff to focus on more strategic initiatives.
  • Real-Time Adjustments: PlayerData's live data capabilities enabled synchronization on the practice field, empowering coaches to make immediate adjustments to athletes' load during training sessions. This real-time feedback loop not only optimized performance but also minimized the risk of injuries, ensuring the well-being of the players.

This transformational journey not only streamlined operations but also empowered decision-makers with accurate, real-time data. Atlanta United's success story underscores the effectiveness of PlayerData's GPS solution in meeting the complex challenges faced by professional sports organizations, setting a new standard for excellence in athlete monitoring and performance optimization.