Spokane Velocity Case Study

How Spokane Velocity addressed its athlete monitoring challenges with PlayerData’s Connect solution.


Spokane Velocity, a modestly-sized sports organization, facing significant hurdles at the moment of efficiently monitoring their athletes' performance. The primary challenge was the need for a solution that allowed Josh, the team's sports scientist, to accurately and effectively track and analyze player data in real time during training sessions, even when he was not physically present. This requirement stemmed from the necessity to maintain a high level of collaboration with coaches and players, despite the constraints imposed by budget and resources.

Josh highlighted the difficulties he encountered when he first assumed his role, stating:

  • “When I took on this role, it was difficult trying to find a technology that I was able to use in a way that would be efficient with my time and the club's time.”

His statement underscores the complexity of managing and utilizing various data monitoring systems, which often demanded extensive manual intervention and substantial time investment. The need to streamline these processes and find a more efficient solution was evident.

The challenge was not only technical but also logistical. Josh often couldn't travel with the team due to budget constraints, which further complicated his ability to provide real-time data analysis and feedback. This situation required a system that could operate seamlessly regardless of his physical location, enabling continuous monitoring and communication with the team. The search for such a system led Spokane Velocity to explore various options, eventually finding a promising solution in PlayerData’s Connect.


PlayerData Connect emerged as the optimal solution to address Spokane Velocity's challenges. PlayerData innovative system tracks athletes' physical metrics in real time and uploads the data to the cloud, making it accessible to all team stakeholders. This capability was particularly beneficial for Spokane Velocity, given its limited budget and resources.

The organization's size and financial constraints meant that Josh had to juggle multiple responsibilities, including data uploading, reviewing, cutting, and organizing. The complexity and workload associated with other monitoring systems became overwhelming. However, PlayerData Connect's mobile app revolutionized how Josh managed these tasks.

  • “I was a little bit skeptical to be honest with you, because it seemed a little bit too good to be true.”

The mobile app enabled Josh to perform his duties entirely from his phone, eliminating the need for constant travel. This solution not only saved the organization money but also streamlined the workflow significantly. By reducing the need for manual data cleanup and allowing for remote adjustments to training sessions, PlayerData Connect proved to be a game-changer.

The app's user-friendly interface and real-time data visibility empowered Josh to make quick and informed decisions, ensuring that the team received timely feedback and adjustments to their training regimes. This efficiency translated into both time and cost savings, as there was no longer a need to hire additional personnel for data management tasks.


The implementation of PlayerData's GPS tracking solution brought significant improvements to Spokane Velofity. Here are the key benefits:

  • Cost Savings
    • Eliminated the need to hire a junior sports scientist for manual data cleanup.
    • Reduced travel expenses for Josh, the sports scientist, by allowing remote monitoring.
  • Time Efficiency
    • Automated data uploading, reviewing, and organizing, saving considerable time.
    • Enabled Josh to adjust training sessions on the fly, remotely.
  • Enhanced Data Utilization
    • Made data actionable and immediately available to players via the mobile app.
    • Players could review their daily summaries right after practice, fostering engagement.
  • Improved Team Culture
    • Increased player involvement and motivation by providing accessible performance metrics.
    • Facilitated regular discussions between players and Josh about performance and improvement areas.
    • Boosted team morale and cohesion through a shared focus on continuous improvement.
  • Remote Flexibility
    • Allowed Josh to manage his responsibilities effectively from home, ensuring consistent support for the team despite his physical absence.
    • Maintained high levels of collaboration and communication with coaches and players.
  • Overall Performance Enhancement
    • Immediate feedback and adjustments to training improved athlete performance and reduced injury risk.
    • Encouraged a proactive approach to personal and team development.

The data provided by PlayerData Connect became actionable, meaning players could access and review their metrics immediately after practice. Josh spoke about it being one of the many benefits for his team:

  • “Currently they all have the app. So when I sync everything and load it up, they get their daily summary. And they can see everything, which the players love.”

This immediate access to data fostered a culture of continuous improvement among the players. They frequently approached Josh to discuss their performance metrics, seeking ways to improve and track their progress over time.

The real-time feedback loop created a more engaged and motivated team environment. Players became more invested in their training, as they could see tangible evidence of their progress and areas needing improvement. This shift not only boosted individual performance but also enhanced team cohesion and morale.

In summary, PlayerData Connect provided Spokane Velocity with a comprehensive solution that addressed their unique challenges. By leveraging real-time data tracking and remote accessibility, the organization optimized its athlete monitoring processes, leading to improved performance, cost savings, and a more collaborative team culture.



The PlayerData app enables coaches, players, and any other critical staff to access performance data immediately from anywhere.

Spokane Velocity Case Study

May 30, 2024


Spokane Velocity, a modestly-sized sports organization, facing significant hurdles at the moment of efficiently monitoring their athletes' performance. The primary challenge was the need for a solution that allowed Josh, the team's sports scientist, to accurately and effectively track and analyze player data in real time during training sessions, even when he was not physically present. This requirement stemmed from the necessity to maintain a high level of collaboration with coaches and players, despite the constraints imposed by budget and resources.

Josh highlighted the difficulties he encountered when he first assumed his role, stating:

  • “When I took on this role, it was difficult trying to find a technology that I was able to use in a way that would be efficient with my time and the club's time.”

His statement underscores the complexity of managing and utilizing various data monitoring systems, which often demanded extensive manual intervention and substantial time investment. The need to streamline these processes and find a more efficient solution was evident.

The challenge was not only technical but also logistical. Josh often couldn't travel with the team due to budget constraints, which further complicated his ability to provide real-time data analysis and feedback. This situation required a system that could operate seamlessly regardless of his physical location, enabling continuous monitoring and communication with the team. The search for such a system led Spokane Velocity to explore various options, eventually finding a promising solution in PlayerData’s Connect.


PlayerData Connect emerged as the optimal solution to address Spokane Velocity's challenges. PlayerData innovative system tracks athletes' physical metrics in real time and uploads the data to the cloud, making it accessible to all team stakeholders. This capability was particularly beneficial for Spokane Velocity, given its limited budget and resources.

The organization's size and financial constraints meant that Josh had to juggle multiple responsibilities, including data uploading, reviewing, cutting, and organizing. The complexity and workload associated with other monitoring systems became overwhelming. However, PlayerData Connect's mobile app revolutionized how Josh managed these tasks.

  • “I was a little bit skeptical to be honest with you, because it seemed a little bit too good to be true.”

The mobile app enabled Josh to perform his duties entirely from his phone, eliminating the need for constant travel. This solution not only saved the organization money but also streamlined the workflow significantly. By reducing the need for manual data cleanup and allowing for remote adjustments to training sessions, PlayerData Connect proved to be a game-changer.

The app's user-friendly interface and real-time data visibility empowered Josh to make quick and informed decisions, ensuring that the team received timely feedback and adjustments to their training regimes. This efficiency translated into both time and cost savings, as there was no longer a need to hire additional personnel for data management tasks.


The implementation of PlayerData's GPS tracking solution brought significant improvements to Spokane Velofity. Here are the key benefits:

  • Cost Savings
    • Eliminated the need to hire a junior sports scientist for manual data cleanup.
    • Reduced travel expenses for Josh, the sports scientist, by allowing remote monitoring.
  • Time Efficiency
    • Automated data uploading, reviewing, and organizing, saving considerable time.
    • Enabled Josh to adjust training sessions on the fly, remotely.
  • Enhanced Data Utilization
    • Made data actionable and immediately available to players via the mobile app.
    • Players could review their daily summaries right after practice, fostering engagement.
  • Improved Team Culture
    • Increased player involvement and motivation by providing accessible performance metrics.
    • Facilitated regular discussions between players and Josh about performance and improvement areas.
    • Boosted team morale and cohesion through a shared focus on continuous improvement.
  • Remote Flexibility
    • Allowed Josh to manage his responsibilities effectively from home, ensuring consistent support for the team despite his physical absence.
    • Maintained high levels of collaboration and communication with coaches and players.
  • Overall Performance Enhancement
    • Immediate feedback and adjustments to training improved athlete performance and reduced injury risk.
    • Encouraged a proactive approach to personal and team development.

The data provided by PlayerData Connect became actionable, meaning players could access and review their metrics immediately after practice. Josh spoke about it being one of the many benefits for his team:

  • “Currently they all have the app. So when I sync everything and load it up, they get their daily summary. And they can see everything, which the players love.”

This immediate access to data fostered a culture of continuous improvement among the players. They frequently approached Josh to discuss their performance metrics, seeking ways to improve and track their progress over time.

The real-time feedback loop created a more engaged and motivated team environment. Players became more invested in their training, as they could see tangible evidence of their progress and areas needing improvement. This shift not only boosted individual performance but also enhanced team cohesion and morale.

In summary, PlayerData Connect provided Spokane Velocity with a comprehensive solution that addressed their unique challenges. By leveraging real-time data tracking and remote accessibility, the organization optimized its athlete monitoring processes, leading to improved performance, cost savings, and a more collaborative team culture.